Wednesday 11 December 2013

11.12.13 Snowflake

I apologise for the title of this snowflake but could not think of a name so late in the evening and wanted to get the pattern to you as soon as possible.  Many thanks to all who have showed interest in it. 

The reason for calling the snowflake 11.12.13 is because today is the last time this century that there will be three consecutive numbers.  

Anyway it has been an evening of blood, sweat and tears trying to get the pattern written in an understandable form and Jane got cross with me - over the internet!  I just can't understand why a pattern is so difficult to write down.   Okay yes I should have written it in a better form when I first tatted it, but I just can't work like that.

11.12.13 SNOWFLAKE © Sally Kerson 2013

R ring
p picot
vsp Very small picot
Cl close
RW Reverse work
DNRW do not reverse work
LCh Lock chain (first half made normally, second half wrapped)
SR Split ring
Lj Lock join
LBP Long beaded picot (for bugle bead)
+B add bead to picot
BBB Move 3 beads onto picot
MB Move bead from shuttle 2
T & C Tie and Cut

Materials required – 4 yards on Sh1 and 3 ½ yards on Sh2 wound CTM. Add 24 size 11 seed beads to shuttle 2. 6 more size 11 seed beads are added to picots and 6 bugle beads for long beaded picots plus 6 safety pins or paper clips for holding the picots.

R1: 4 p 2 vsp 4 LBP 4 vsp 2 p 4 Cl DNRW
R2: 4 +B (R1) 2 vsp 4 LBP 4 vsp 2 p 4 Cl DNRW
R3, R4 & R5 – repeat R2
SR6: 4 +B (R5) 2 vsp 4 LBP 4 / 4 +B (R1) 2 Cl RW
LCh * 11 vsp 1 RW
R7: 6 + (LBP) 6 Cl RW SS 3 bead around hand before starting
R8: 1 Lj (vsp on LCh) 7 BBB MB 7 vsp 1 Cl DNRW SS
Ch: 1 + (vsp R8)
LCh: 11 Lj (vsp on same inner R)
Ch: 2 Lj (vsp on next ring)**
Repeat from * to ** and Lj into the first Lch on R1 T & C


  1. Lovely snowflake, I like this pattern

  2. Thank you! My father's birthdate, incidentally, was 9.10.11 . It will be easy to remember your Significant Snowflake's publication!

    1. Wow that is amazing Maureen. I just love signifcant dates like these and they go so quickly/

  3. Cross over the internet? That made me laugh!

    Thanks for this pretty pattern, Sally!
    Fox : )

  4. Very beautiful, wonderful directions too, You do the best you can and that's all you can do! I have payed money for very poor directions. But sometimes that is not where the talent is to start with It's in the creativity of the tatting and then it will bleed on to other stuff, like the directions and pictures etc.

  5. Beautiful! Thank you much for sharing!

  6. Thank you for writing this up, I appreciate your blood, sweat and tears!
    If you move to America, you could have a 12.13.14 next year...

  7. Thank you for sharing your pattern, Sally! The snowflake is lovely!

  8. What a clever title for the snowflake. And what a pretty snowflake. Thank you for the pattern. I have some bugle beads. I will try this soon.

  9. My Big Sis gets cross with me sometimes, too. You have my sympathy:) We both know we don't deserve it :)
    Thank you for the pattern. Merry Christmas, Karen in OR

  10. Many thanks for taking time to write out your snowflake pattern. What a unique title for it.

  11. Thank you Sally for your hard work. I will give this one a try this weekend. I have some bugle beads I need to use.

  12. Thanks very much Sally. Yes, it's much easier to do than to write down, we appreciate your work!

  13. Oh,'s just gorgeous!!! Thanks, for the awesome snowflake!!!

  14. Thank you for sharing the pattern. It's just lovely -- and I've got half a shoebox full of little bottles of bugle beads!

  15. Did I totally bleeped over it...what size thread do we use? 20?

    1. No you did not bleep over it!! One of the problems was getting the yardage right on the shuttles and so it should be okay for 20 but I have also used 30 and that is where there is a bit of confusion on the quantity! But the pattern will look good worked in either.

    2. Great!!! I have lots of size 30 thread. Thanks again!!

  16. Just the pattern I have been looking for. Thank you so much for Sharing

  17. So pretty! Thanks for sharing the pattern :). Another to add to my "to tat" list :).

    P.S. US write their dates as month/day/year so they would be able to have 12/13/14 next year :).

    1. Thanks Jenn, never seem to understand the US way of writing dates seems back to front to me!!!

  18. Very pretty snowflake I'll make a note for next year as I missed it for this year. :-)


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