Tuesday 29 October 2013


With help from Jane, who patiently looked through my pattern writing I can now give you the ............................

DAISY PATTERN © Sally Kerson 2013

R ring 
Ch chain
Cl close 
p picot
LBP long bead picot 
vsp very small picot
SR split ring 
RW reverse work
+ join B bead
MB move bead from core thread 
Cl close
Btn button 
T & C   tie and cut

Materials required: 1 four hole shirt button 11 mm, No 20 thread in two colours, size 11 seed beads

Wind two shuttles: shuttle 1 yellow and shuttle 2 white (or any colour which will suit the petals of your daisy)

Round 1 - (there will be two LBP in each hole of btn)
Using shuttle 1
SR1: 4 attach to 1st hole of btn with LBP (2B) 4/2 vsp 4 vsp 2 Cl
SR2: 4 attach to 1st hole of btn with LBP (2B) 4/2 vsp 4 vsp 2 Cl
SR3: 4 attach to 2nd hole of btn with LBP (2B) 4/2 vsp 4 vsp 2 Cl
repeat until 7 SR have been worked
SR8: 4 attach to 4th hole of btn with LBP (2B) 4/2 vsp 4 vsp 2 Cl T & C to base of SR1
Round 2
Shuttle and ball thread
Add 64 beads to shuttle thread 16 more are needed to add to picots.
(3 B at back of hand before starting)
R1: 3 p 8 BBB MB 8 p 3 Cl RW
Ch: 4 (with wrong side facing of Round 1 + any vsp on round 1) 4 RW
(3 B at back of hand before starting)
R2: 3 + B (R1) 8 BBB MB 8 p 3 Cl RW
Ch: 4 + (next vsp round 1) 4 RW
(3 B at back of hand before starting)
*R3: 3 + B (R2) 8 BBB MB 8 p 3 Cl RW
Ch: 4 + (next vsp round 1) 4 RW*
repeat from * to * until R16
R16: 3 + B (R15) 8 BBB MB 8 + B (R1) 3 Cl RW
Ch: 4 + (next vsp round 1) 4 to base of R1 T & C

See this link for diagram of adding beads onto top of buttons

                         = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

By missing out a bead on the BBB you can make room for a jewellery finding or stem/leaf, but the daisy will look just as good as an embellishment on clothes or bags etc. 

On my next blog post I will be announcing a give-away to mark an important blogging milestone so be sure to drop by or you might miss out!


  1. What a beautiful flower! - thank you for the pattern, I'd like to make a whole boxful of these!

  2. It's so beautiful! thank You so much for writing it down, and Jane for helping you, Can't wait to get started!

  3. Thank you Sally, I have printed this out and added it to my library.

  4. This is wonderful, and so generous of you! Thank you for this beautiful pattern!

  5. Fabulous, thanks so much for the pattern, it's going onto my to-do list!

  6. I love your Daisy Sally! Thank you very much for sharing the pattern.

  7. I love your daisy too and thank you fir sharing the pattern

  8. hey I have started and did round one what do you mean 3 beads on back of hand are these beads on ring thread? little confused?

    1. Yes that is right the beads are on the ring you are making and then you slide a bead from the core thread (shuttle) to meet the three and it makes a point

  9. What a gorgeous pattern!

  10. Thank you, Sally. It's very pretty.

  11. Oh,I love it. Thank you so much.

  12. Wonderful pattern. Thank you for sharing.

  13. What a lovely daisy! :-D Thanks very much for sharing the pattern.


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