Saturday 31 October 2015

Halloween Necklace

I really did not make this necklace for Halloween, it just happens to match the season of the year.  Using the beads that my son sent from Singapore it has turned out rather well.

So now of course I am on my next one which will be slightly  different. 

Tuesday 27 October 2015

Rope making machine

This is really one for the children - a machine that twists wool, the end result can be used for necklaces or friendship bracelets.   'Im in the Garage made the gadget and it is guaranteed to entertain the young and the young at heart at fayres or other events where the public are.   

Three strands of wool are put on the loops at the back and the handle is turned at the front so twisting them, whilst they are tied together and stretched out. Then gradually the tension is released the the three strands automatically join together.   The children love turning the handle and marvel at the end result, which you can see on top.

Saturday 24 October 2015

Pearl beads

I have just started to open the pearl beads sent to me from Singapore. Although at the moment a little overwhelmed with them and really need to think  of some new ideas for jewellery.   But here is a simple pair of earrings to start with.  They are resting on top of a pumpkin.

And the wonderful selection of beads  - there are times when you are just spoilt for choice!

Now it is a case of matching them up with the thread that I have -  and to keep tatting!

Tuesday 20 October 2015

Lego Sewing Machine

My son in Singapore loves playing, or should I say creating things in lego.  We took him to Lego Land in Denmark when he was young and still have his childhood lego some where in the house.    

I asked him if he could make me a sewing machine and today this cute little lego piece arrived.

I am absolutely thrilled with it.  Also in the parcel were many packets of pearl beads, just what I wanted, so I must go and play with them.

Check out some more lego creations on   

There are more pop-a-bobbin shuttles and post shuttles being made by 'Im in the garage' and some are even ready for testing so must do that in the next day or so ready for them to travel to Jane's at the weekend.

Sunday 4 October 2015

Naked Picots!

In some ways I follow my sister when it comes to preference with regard to tatting designs, it is not very often you will see 'naked picots' when Jane has completed a pattern, mostly she will put beads on them, join them or use them to emphasis ears, toes etc.  However, occasionally I do like to see tatting with 'bare picots' because it can show up the laciness of the work and enhance the appearance.   So I began to make some earrings with 'naked picots'.  These are the first of many that I hope to make.

For some reason which I cannot fathom out why,  I have gone mad on pearl beads.  I found a packet of tiny white ones outside a junk shop in a basket, whilst in London recently and used them for these earrings.  I bought some 4 mm strings of coloured pearl beads in Singapore but I am finding it impossible to buy 2 mm from a supplier in the UK, especially coloured ones, so this pearl craze could end very soon!