Sunday 29 November 2015

For Sale

The shuttles that I mentioned in my last blog post are now on sale in Jane's Etsy shop.       I think she must be eager to get them posted before the Christmas rush, so please help her!

I have also been making her 'Teeny Tiny snowflake' which you will find here .  The ones you see below I have tatted using two threads together, one plain and one glitter, although the sparkle does not always show up that well.  Also some of them are coming out not so 'tiny' as the original.

A lovely pattern and I can see many more appearing from my shuttles in the next week or so.

Friday 27 November 2015

Fruit Woods

When I saw the latest shuttles from 'Im in the garage' they reminded me of bright Summer days and eating juicy and delicious fresh fruit.   As you can see from the photograph there are some apple, pear and cherry wood shuttles in the next batch.  Also not shown a few post shuttles in violet rosewood and one in snakewood. 

This shuttle is slightly larger as it has a plastic machine bobbin but it is not for sale,  well not yet!

All except the shuttle above will be making their way to Jane's home in the next few days.

Tuesday 17 November 2015


Sadly I only sold one pair of earrings on Saturday at the Christmas Fayre and that was a Christmas wreath pair.  Such a shame as I spent days before the event frantically making square shaped earrings which are now put away in a box, unless I can find people who would like them.  The main problem was that there was poor attendance at the Fayre and those that came were not really interested in purchasing tatted items.

But for a change some of my tatted brooches sold. However, none of the necklaces that I have just made went including this one.  Mind you it looks more like a bridal set than just for every day wear!

Will show you some of the other necklaces soon that I have made using the beads that came from Singapore.  Apart from this one I will probably wear the others myself.

Tuesday 10 November 2015

Square beads

I seem to have rather a lot of square beads and had just begun to regret ever buying them, when I came up with the idea of using them for earrings.  Well I actually regret buying an awful lot of what I have got as time goes by.  Like I would suspect all of us, we get an idea into our head run with it and for awhile it is great and then the novelty wears off and we are left with the remnants of that certain craze, be it thread, beads, material, wool whatever.  

I am constantly surprised when seeing the different sizes of earrings that are tatted, some are ginormous and I honestly can't see many people wanting to wear them.   The ones I have made vary in size but I hope will be suitable for most people to wear. 

Over the years I have given away or even sold earrings and my stash is quite low at the moment, there is a Christmas Fayre on Saturday at which I hope to sell some, not many but hopefully enough to warrant making more!

Thursday 5 November 2015

A bit of Sparkle

I am in a jewellery making mood.  This set I made following Jane's Ring of Roses bracelet pattern, using some vintage glass beads for the centres. They really sparkle, but it is difficult to capture on a photograph.

Over the last few years I have found charity shops selling broken necklaces quite cheaply considering that the beads are made of glass 

Some beads are too large and heavy to use for tatting, so one day I may string them up and make a necklace for myself.