Tuesday 31 December 2013

Blogging through the years

A strange title to this post, but on the right hand side of my blog it gives the number of blog posts throughout the year.  It seems I have kept to 60 + since starting the blog in 2009. This works out on average to 5 posts a month.  I really don't have time to put something on my blog everyday as there are too many other things going on in my life,  but nevertheless I still count myself as a regular blogger!

Also through the years I give my friends some tatting every Christmas, if they have a Christmas tree they put them there or just display the pieces in another part of the house. One of my friends put this picture on Facebook yesterday.  I was thrilled to see 8 years worth of ornaments.

A really lovely Christmas present came from my son and  daughter-in-law in Singapore, and I was able to open it with them watching via the internet last Wednesday.

It is a cool wallet that holds a plastic container and there are pockets also in it. They thoughtfully included lots of beads, as they know my addiction to them!    There is now no excuse for me not to keep my beads tidy and I have started filling the container.  

Only eleven more hours left of 2013 so I had better get some more tatting done before it ends!

Happy New Year everyone

Tuesday 24 December 2013

Happy Christmas!

I made some Christmas cards earlier in the year but forgot I had them, althougth I particularly don't want to really part with the one on the right hand side as Crazy Mum made the motif and gave it to me when I visited the USA last year.

This will be my last post until after Christmas so would just like to send greetings to all who follow my blog near or far and if you have not decided what to cook for your Christmas dinner, then  try this recipe.

Nearly forgot to say that a Tater obviously doesn't mean us!

Saturday 21 December 2013

Ice blue snowflakes

It is dark and dismal this morning in this part of the world and I have just taken this picture trying to capture the snowflakes hanging on twigs.  They form part of the Christmas decorations in the house, well actually almost all there is to see although I am working on some other last minute tatting related decorations, which may get finished for this Christmas!

Here are what the snowflakes look like close up, they remind us of cold snowy days, which thankfully have not reached the south of England yet.

I hope every ones Christmas preparations are going well and the stress levels are low!

Wednesday 11 December 2013

11.12.13 Snowflake

I apologise for the title of this snowflake but could not think of a name so late in the evening and wanted to get the pattern to you as soon as possible.  Many thanks to all who have showed interest in it. 

The reason for calling the snowflake 11.12.13 is because today is the last time this century that there will be three consecutive numbers.  

Anyway it has been an evening of blood, sweat and tears trying to get the pattern written in an understandable form and Jane got cross with me - over the internet!  I just can't understand why a pattern is so difficult to write down.   Okay yes I should have written it in a better form when I first tatted it, but I just can't work like that.

11.12.13 SNOWFLAKE © Sally Kerson 2013

R ring
p picot
vsp Very small picot
Cl close
RW Reverse work
DNRW do not reverse work
LCh Lock chain (first half made normally, second half wrapped)
SR Split ring
Lj Lock join
LBP Long beaded picot (for bugle bead)
+B add bead to picot
BBB Move 3 beads onto picot
MB Move bead from shuttle 2
T & C Tie and Cut

Materials required – 4 yards on Sh1 and 3 ½ yards on Sh2 wound CTM. Add 24 size 11 seed beads to shuttle 2. 6 more size 11 seed beads are added to picots and 6 bugle beads for long beaded picots plus 6 safety pins or paper clips for holding the picots.

R1: 4 p 2 vsp 4 LBP 4 vsp 2 p 4 Cl DNRW
R2: 4 +B (R1) 2 vsp 4 LBP 4 vsp 2 p 4 Cl DNRW
R3, R4 & R5 – repeat R2
SR6: 4 +B (R5) 2 vsp 4 LBP 4 / 4 +B (R1) 2 Cl RW
LCh * 11 vsp 1 RW
R7: 6 + (LBP) 6 Cl RW SS 3 bead around hand before starting
R8: 1 Lj (vsp on LCh) 7 BBB MB 7 vsp 1 Cl DNRW SS
Ch: 1 + (vsp R8)
LCh: 11 Lj (vsp on same inner R)
Ch: 2 Lj (vsp on next ring)**
Repeat from * to ** and Lj into the first Lch on R1 T & C

Tuesday 10 December 2013

More Christmas Tatting

I have been making quite a few of these snowflakes in white and pale colours and now pleased with them.

My aim was to use bugle beads in the pattern, partly because I have so many of them but also I think they do enhance a tatted snowflake. Oh and by the way it is made in one go.

Here are some more Christmas Trees on buttons and now I really must get on and start writing cards etc.

If anyone is interested in the snowflake pattern please comment.  It has not been written out fully although I am pleased to share it with anyone if there is a demand, otherwise I will leave it so that only I am able to understand the instructions!

Thursday 5 December 2013

Christmas tree on a button

My favourite Christmas tatting, at the moment, is this tree on a button.  Of course the pattern is Jane's and it can be found here I tested it for her ages ago but never managed to start a massive production until last week.  A dozen have been made so far and will show you more next time on different coloured buttons.  This particular one I pinned to my coat today that is why it looks slightly squished at the bottom and  I was wearing a fluffy scarf so that moulted all over it too!

It is busy busy here with so much to do before Christmas but I am determined to find time to tat, even if it means stopping up late at night.   I am also working on a snowflake design, nothing complicated but I have run it past 'big sister' and she likes it. 
However, is there room for another tatted snowflake in the world?