Thursday 31 May 2018

On show again

It seems so long ago since I designed the button necklace (which is on the side of my blog) I have made quite a few over the years, but there are still many hidden away in my stash.  Last week I decided to wear one as it went with a particular top.  I was surprised and delighted with the attention it got from people and might be inspired to make another one, especially if I need a necklace to match another top.  My problem is that over the last few years I have almost abandoned wearing any jewellery as just could not be bothered. 

What I enjoy most about making these necklaces is playing with different coloured beads and buttons.

Thanks for all the kind comments about Renulek's doily, I have now started the final round and all is going well, hopefully can show you sometime next week.

Monday 28 May 2018

Another round completed

The last round I tatted seemed to take ages and I was really frightened that I would run out of thread, and have to cut it all off and start again!  It was very nerve racking especially as I did not enjoy tatting this round anyway, so the thought of starting again, was just too awful to contemplate!  Fortunately I made it to the end with a bit of the thread to spare.  As you can see I have started another colour which hopefully is neutral enough to blend in with a Lizbeth thread very close to the original maroon colour.  I intend to use both the colours on the last round but it is hard to see if it will work at the moment.

Needless to say I will be so pleased when this doily is finished!

Tuesday 22 May 2018

Still tatting the doily!

I am making very little progress on Renulek's doily, because I have very little time to sit and tat it!  However, I am a little further on than this picture shows, a quarter of the way along the next row.   

The round is complicated so making even slower progress.

The pop-a-bobbin shuttles continue to sell well and I am hoping that now the weather is warmer more can be made in the garage.  

Thursday 3 May 2018


I have finished the cats,  the pattern is from Inga Madsen's book Tatted Animals.  At last I can go back to my doilies.

The weather is improving again in England and so hopefully the garden will get some attention this weekend.