Monday 31 October 2016

The Tenth Snowflake

I really enjoyed making this snowflake and will definitely be tatting it again, probably in white next time.  The end of another month and so I aim to speed up on these snowflakes otherwise they will not be finished before Christmas.

Today is Halloween and we celebrated in a churchyard filling it with light. We carved pumpkins in church, had apple bobbing outside, scary stories and drank hot chocolate. 

Hope you all enjoyed some Halloween fun

Friday 28 October 2016

The Ninth Snowflake

Many thanks for the encouraging comments with regard to the eighth snowflake, they came at a time that I was almost going to give up the challenge.  

Martha Ess the Queen of block tatting was a special encouragement and although I took her advice on trying to be a bit more careful with the pressing of this one, unfortunately was in too much of a hurry to get it on the blog!  

 Yes Bernice certainly giving me a lot of practice on techniques!

Jane McLellan thanks for saying that the good thing about a challenge is that you can go onto the next one without perfecting the current one, so true!  

This one is far from perfect as I did not get into the swing of the block tatting straight away as you can see,  but I am thinking about returning to this pattern at a later date. However, next time will use some kinder thread, this was some old and ropey stuff I found in the bottom of a box. It sort of reflected the mood I had got myself into with the challenge.

So as they say 'onwards and upwards' and feeling very convenient about the next few snowflakes. 

Last but not least to my sister who shouts "follow the arrows on the pattern"  will do!

Tuesday 25 October 2016

The Eighth Day

Must admit I am not pleased with how this snowflake came out, I had difficulty in getting the hang of tatting it and really need to practice block tatting techniques.  I definitely do not want to revisit this particular snowflake so will start the ninth one this evening

Pop-a-bobbin shuttle making has been almost non-existent over the past six months due to so many other things happening.  This picture shows that some are in the process of being made and in the garage.  We are now waiting for the next dispatch of crochet hooks from Japan, but as usual they are being held up at Customs.

Friday 21 October 2016

The Seventh Day

This snowflake was a real challenge to get started and because of that I had to call on Jane for some help. I'm just about to ask her to help with the next one too!   Actually I am struggling with these snowflakes not only actually tatting them but finding time to tat them. 

I help run a Children's after school craft club, when I say help, practically organise it by myself especially when it comes to thinking up the crafts every week.   Recently we used autumn leaves to make collages etc.  To prepare them I soaked them in glycerine and water for about four days.  As I had quite a few left over decided to try to make a flower as I saw the idea on the internet.  Had a very quick go late last night and this is the result.  It is not an activity the children will be able to do, but I plan to have another go when I am more awake and hopefully get a better result.

With the leaves having been soaked in a solution of glycerine and water they are not so brittle, although not sure they will keep their colour.  Have some yellow ones soaking in the solution at the moment.

Thursday 6 October 2016

The Sixth Day

Well it is quite appropriate that I should post this snowflake on the 6th October!  But really not tatting them very quickly as other things have taken over my life at the moment.   Hopefully though, I will at one point, be able to show two at a time, otherwise I will never finish this challenge before Christmas.

I spent an hour today picking sloes in order to make sloe gin, this evening they were put in the gin, another job done.