Wednesday 28 June 2017

Bags and purses

Whenever you go on holiday it is always good to bring back some presents and souvenirs from your trip.   I fell in love with these brightly coloured and ornately decorated items.   The lovely big bag being my absolute favourite.    All of them I purchased whilst in Cambodia using U.S. dollars, which was the currency they preferred to be paid in. However, there was no loose change just straight dollar notes,  everything was rounded of to the nearest dollar.

I have been too tired to do much tatting since arriving home, still seem to be on a different time zone.    The Art Exhibition is about a fortnight away and I must finish the 'Coffee and Cream' mat that I am working on.

Saturday 24 June 2017


I have been away for just over two weeks visiting Singapore and Cambodia and returned home last night.  We have had a fabulous time meeting so many interesting people and places. Next to none tatting has been accomplished as I was either too busy or it was too hot.

This is a bookmark on top of a Cambodian flower which was placed on our bed every night together with a Buddhist story.

Whilst we were in Cambodia we visited the famous Angkor Wat Temples, here are just a few pictures out of so many.

Angor Thom with its many faces

and this temple with trees growing around and through it, almost swallowing the entire structure

To a temple made from red stone.

The Khmer people were so kind and the area so beautiful that you could not help just fall in love with the place. 

Sunday 4 June 2017

Coffee and Cream

When I took this doily to show some people at the Computer Club last week, a person suggested that it be called 'Coffee and Cream' because of the colours.    As you can see I have now tatted another three rounds, but each round seems to be taking me ages to work.

It now measures 17" x 14" and I plan to continue so that it gets a little larger. Although of course the size is now governed by the amount of thread that is left in my stash.