Tuesday 31 December 2013

Blogging through the years

A strange title to this post, but on the right hand side of my blog it gives the number of blog posts throughout the year.  It seems I have kept to 60 + since starting the blog in 2009. This works out on average to 5 posts a month.  I really don't have time to put something on my blog everyday as there are too many other things going on in my life,  but nevertheless I still count myself as a regular blogger!

Also through the years I give my friends some tatting every Christmas, if they have a Christmas tree they put them there or just display the pieces in another part of the house. One of my friends put this picture on Facebook yesterday.  I was thrilled to see 8 years worth of ornaments.

A really lovely Christmas present came from my son and  daughter-in-law in Singapore, and I was able to open it with them watching via the internet last Wednesday.

It is a cool wallet that holds a plastic container and there are pockets also in it. They thoughtfully included lots of beads, as they know my addiction to them!    There is now no excuse for me not to keep my beads tidy and I have started filling the container.  

Only eleven more hours left of 2013 so I had better get some more tatting done before it ends!

Happy New Year everyone

Tuesday 24 December 2013

Happy Christmas!

I made some Christmas cards earlier in the year but forgot I had them, althougth I particularly don't want to really part with the one on the right hand side as Crazy Mum made the motif and gave it to me when I visited the USA last year.

This will be my last post until after Christmas so would just like to send greetings to all who follow my blog near or far and if you have not decided what to cook for your Christmas dinner, then  try this recipe.

Nearly forgot to say that a Tater obviously doesn't mean us!

Saturday 21 December 2013

Ice blue snowflakes

It is dark and dismal this morning in this part of the world and I have just taken this picture trying to capture the snowflakes hanging on twigs.  They form part of the Christmas decorations in the house, well actually almost all there is to see although I am working on some other last minute tatting related decorations, which may get finished for this Christmas!

Here are what the snowflakes look like close up, they remind us of cold snowy days, which thankfully have not reached the south of England yet.

I hope every ones Christmas preparations are going well and the stress levels are low!

Wednesday 11 December 2013

11.12.13 Snowflake

I apologise for the title of this snowflake but could not think of a name so late in the evening and wanted to get the pattern to you as soon as possible.  Many thanks to all who have showed interest in it. 

The reason for calling the snowflake 11.12.13 is because today is the last time this century that there will be three consecutive numbers.  

Anyway it has been an evening of blood, sweat and tears trying to get the pattern written in an understandable form and Jane got cross with me - over the internet!  I just can't understand why a pattern is so difficult to write down.   Okay yes I should have written it in a better form when I first tatted it, but I just can't work like that.

11.12.13 SNOWFLAKE © Sally Kerson 2013

R ring
p picot
vsp Very small picot
Cl close
RW Reverse work
DNRW do not reverse work
LCh Lock chain (first half made normally, second half wrapped)
SR Split ring
Lj Lock join
LBP Long beaded picot (for bugle bead)
+B add bead to picot
BBB Move 3 beads onto picot
MB Move bead from shuttle 2
T & C Tie and Cut

Materials required – 4 yards on Sh1 and 3 ½ yards on Sh2 wound CTM. Add 24 size 11 seed beads to shuttle 2. 6 more size 11 seed beads are added to picots and 6 bugle beads for long beaded picots plus 6 safety pins or paper clips for holding the picots.

R1: 4 p 2 vsp 4 LBP 4 vsp 2 p 4 Cl DNRW
R2: 4 +B (R1) 2 vsp 4 LBP 4 vsp 2 p 4 Cl DNRW
R3, R4 & R5 – repeat R2
SR6: 4 +B (R5) 2 vsp 4 LBP 4 / 4 +B (R1) 2 Cl RW
LCh * 11 vsp 1 RW
R7: 6 + (LBP) 6 Cl RW SS 3 bead around hand before starting
R8: 1 Lj (vsp on LCh) 7 BBB MB 7 vsp 1 Cl DNRW SS
Ch: 1 + (vsp R8)
LCh: 11 Lj (vsp on same inner R)
Ch: 2 Lj (vsp on next ring)**
Repeat from * to ** and Lj into the first Lch on R1 T & C

Tuesday 10 December 2013

More Christmas Tatting

I have been making quite a few of these snowflakes in white and pale colours and now pleased with them.

My aim was to use bugle beads in the pattern, partly because I have so many of them but also I think they do enhance a tatted snowflake. Oh and by the way it is made in one go.

Here are some more Christmas Trees on buttons and now I really must get on and start writing cards etc.

If anyone is interested in the snowflake pattern please comment.  It has not been written out fully although I am pleased to share it with anyone if there is a demand, otherwise I will leave it so that only I am able to understand the instructions!

Thursday 5 December 2013

Christmas tree on a button

My favourite Christmas tatting, at the moment, is this tree on a button.  Of course the pattern is Jane's and it can be found here I tested it for her ages ago but never managed to start a massive production until last week.  A dozen have been made so far and will show you more next time on different coloured buttons.  This particular one I pinned to my coat today that is why it looks slightly squished at the bottom and  I was wearing a fluffy scarf so that moulted all over it too!

It is busy busy here with so much to do before Christmas but I am determined to find time to tat, even if it means stopping up late at night.   I am also working on a snowflake design, nothing complicated but I have run it past 'big sister' and she likes it. 
However, is there room for another tatted snowflake in the world?

Saturday 30 November 2013

Ribbon Christmas Trees

In recent weeks I have taken my tatting to some Christmas Fairs, although I have only managed to sell a very small proportion of what I have made. Many of the items are seasonal tatting and so they will be stored away until next year, or be given to friends. 

I sort of got hooked on this pattern last year and made quite a few of these trees and did manage to sell four of them to one person today, apparently she is going to hang them on the door knobs of her kitchen cupboards!  The pattern can be found here and I really recommend it to those who have just started making split rings, because after making these trees you will be super good at them!  

The latest news from the garage is that all the wood making equipment is being maintained and serviced, it has had rather a bashing in the last few months.  Also there were some shuttle blanks on the work bench when I last looked, so production will be resumed as soon as possible. I hope those who have already received their shuttles are pleased with them. 

Friday 22 November 2013

50 years ago

Today is a very momentous day as most of you are probably aware for it marks 50 years since President J.F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas.  But it was also the day when C.S. Lewis died in his home near Oxford, England but of course his death was rather overshadowed by what was happening in America.  

Tomorrow marks 50 years since the first screening on UK television of Dr. Who and so there is a special episode to mark the occasion on Saturday evening.  Although my childhood memories of Dr. Who were more to do with hiding behind the sofa as I was so frightened!

But there is no good dwelling too much on the past we have to look forward and tomorrow marks the day when the next batch of shuttles will go on sale at 20.00 GMT, and here are a few photos of them.

These are pear and holly wood

And a pair of Christmas earrings, sorry not sure where the pattern came from as I have had it on my computer for ages.

Sunday 17 November 2013

Mrs Odum's Daisy

A few days ago I posted three parcels to the USA, all in connection with tatting, so I hope the recipients enjoy receiving their shuttles and other bits and pieces.  Because these parcels were international the Post Office here in England is getting very much stricter about the contents. Because of this I decided that unfortunately it would unwise to put  any red sunflower seeds in them, which was my original plan.  

On many blogs it is evident that  Christmas is coming and the usual tatting related items are being shown. I find it interesting to see the wonderful variety, even from year to year, that people produce with their shuttles and thread.  This little gem was on Jane's blog three weeks ago Mrs Odums daisy (see also link to Elizabeth's blog) , and therefore I had to have a go at it before Christmas tatting set in! 

For the centre I used  little rings from a bracelet they are slightly smaller than the rings from the toothbrushes, but work well and I plan to use them on other patterns especially if they call for a ring in the centre.  By covering a ring it is possible to move onto the next row with a split ring so avoiding a join and also the centre is much firmer.

The next batch of shuttles have now arrived at Jane's house (my sister), she needs to sort them and list them and they will be put into her shop very soon.

Monday 11 November 2013

Poppies and a Winner!

As promised I can now announce the winner of the giveaway from the last blog post.  But before I do, thank you so much for the wonderful memories that you shared, all of them were really so touching and personal and just made me think that these little gems from our lives make us who we are.   

And the winner is the person who made the 14th comment........ 

True Random Number Generator

Min: 1

Max: 43

Powered by RANDOM.ORG

is mb dukeplease can you send me your address to popabobbinshuttle@gmail.com and congratulations!

Today is Remembrance Day when at the eleventh hour on the eleventh day of the eleventh month the armistice was signed in 1918 to end the Great War.

I made this poppy four years ago, it was my first and last attempt at this technique which Martha so kindly shared, perhaps it needs revisiting.

         Here is the one that my son made, no he is not a child but now aged 37 years old!

I will never forget Remembrance Day this year as  I moved into another part of the church building today where there is now a new Parish Office.  Well have not actually completed the move but the computer and main bits of equipment are now in there.   In fact it was really hectic this morning,  one of the pre-school helpers was dressed as Luke Skywalker, an electrician was sorting out the odd bits left from the recent building work.  The Vicar and I were trying to move office equipment and another person was sorting out the computer etc so it was a manic and crazy morning!

Tuesday 5 November 2013

Remember, Remember, the 5th November!

In England we mark this day with bonfires and fireworks, although as the years have gone by it is less and less observed.   The reason we are called to remember the 5th November is that on this day in 1605 Guy Fawkes was caught in the cellars of the Houses of Parliament, London with several dozen barrels of gunpowder. Guy Fawkes was subsequently tried as a traitor with his co-conspirators for plotting against the government. Which is the reason why a 'Guy' is made by stuffing newspaper into some old clothes to look like a man and then it is put on the top of the bonfire. 

Remember, remember, the 5th of November

The Gunpowder Treason and plot;
I see of no reason why Gunpowder Treason
Should ever be forgot.

So if you have stopped reading this blog by now you will not have realised that I am holding a 'giveaway' to mark this my 300th blog post, a day to remember for me and possibly you!

This is what you will win when you comment giving one thing that you will remember for the rest of your life, the memory can be happy or sad.

This cute little bag was made locally and it is a handbag organiser, although it doubles very well as a tatting organiser!

I also plan to put a few other things in it, which I have yet to source, but of course a 
pop-a-bobbin shuttle will be neatly tucked inside.  This particular shuttle is made from apple wood.  A great many pieces of wood that are stored in our garage have a story behind them. The apple wood this shuttle is made from comes from my late father's garden which was situated on the banks of the river Avon in Stratford-upon-Avon, so my memory at this very moment is of him and where he lived.

You have until Sunday 10th November 4 pm GMT to comment.  I will announce the winner by using a random number generator on Monday 11th November, which in England is Remembrance Day. A day when we remember all who have died or who have been injured in the World Wars and subsequent conflicts. 

So share your memories with others and may be you will be the winner of this bag and shuttle!

Tuesday 29 October 2013


With help from Jane, who patiently looked through my pattern writing I can now give you the ............................

DAISY PATTERN © Sally Kerson 2013

R ring 
Ch chain
Cl close 
p picot
LBP long bead picot 
vsp very small picot
SR split ring 
RW reverse work
+ join B bead
MB move bead from core thread 
Cl close
Btn button 
T & C   tie and cut

Materials required: 1 four hole shirt button 11 mm, No 20 thread in two colours, size 11 seed beads

Wind two shuttles: shuttle 1 yellow and shuttle 2 white (or any colour which will suit the petals of your daisy)

Round 1 - (there will be two LBP in each hole of btn)
Using shuttle 1
SR1: 4 attach to 1st hole of btn with LBP (2B) 4/2 vsp 4 vsp 2 Cl
SR2: 4 attach to 1st hole of btn with LBP (2B) 4/2 vsp 4 vsp 2 Cl
SR3: 4 attach to 2nd hole of btn with LBP (2B) 4/2 vsp 4 vsp 2 Cl
repeat until 7 SR have been worked
SR8: 4 attach to 4th hole of btn with LBP (2B) 4/2 vsp 4 vsp 2 Cl T & C to base of SR1
Round 2
Shuttle and ball thread
Add 64 beads to shuttle thread 16 more are needed to add to picots.
(3 B at back of hand before starting)
R1: 3 p 8 BBB MB 8 p 3 Cl RW
Ch: 4 (with wrong side facing of Round 1 + any vsp on round 1) 4 RW
(3 B at back of hand before starting)
R2: 3 + B (R1) 8 BBB MB 8 p 3 Cl RW
Ch: 4 + (next vsp round 1) 4 RW
(3 B at back of hand before starting)
*R3: 3 + B (R2) 8 BBB MB 8 p 3 Cl RW
Ch: 4 + (next vsp round 1) 4 RW*
repeat from * to * until R16
R16: 3 + B (R15) 8 BBB MB 8 + B (R1) 3 Cl RW
Ch: 4 + (next vsp round 1) 4 to base of R1 T & C

See this link for diagram of adding beads onto top of buttons

                         = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

By missing out a bead on the BBB you can make room for a jewellery finding or stem/leaf, but the daisy will look just as good as an embellishment on clothes or bags etc. 

On my next blog post I will be announcing a give-away to mark an important blogging milestone so be sure to drop by or you might miss out!

Tuesday 22 October 2013

Three Geckos

There would have been more than three geckos but my concentration levels are a bit poor at the moment and so a few rejected ones are lying beside me, with their legs in the wrong place!  

The pattern is of course from Jane's site and it is called Pamela's Gecko and can be found here  I have actually seen Pamela's Geckos in real life! However, the main reason for taking a break from daisies to tat these little fellows is because of someone I was talking to in the village where I live.  I have known this person for many years but what I did not know was that she had a son who also lives in Singapore, her daughter-in-law makes pottery and has named it Gecko Pottery.  So that is why I decided to make a gecko so that it could travel to Singapore.   But first I made one from variegated thread because they look so much fun in the different colours. 

Having lived and visited many places in the Far East, the last time being June, I am quite used to seeing geckos.  When my son came back from one of his trips to Asia a gecko must have wanted to return with him.  A dead one was found when sorting out the luggage recently, obviously it must have crept in there at some point during the holiday so you can imagine the horror at its discovery!

I am really looking forward to going back to the daisy pattern and hope to get it written out and posted on the blog soon.

Wednesday 16 October 2013

Daisies and Angel

Thanks for all the helpful thoughts on my next give-away it seems that shuttles are always popular and with Christmas on the horizon it will become an early present for the winner. 
Only two more blog posts and I will be announcing it!

I finished the necklace and have photographed it beside some Michaelmas daisies.

Another daisy like flower is Chamomile, you may have heard of chamomile lawns? Or perhaps the children's stories written by Beatrice Potter?  Peter Rabbit's mother gave him chamomile tea when he was feeling ill. Chamomile also helps you sleep and calms you down.

And finally an angel who I had lost, but turned up unexpectedly, like they do,  last week.

The pattern comes from Mark Myers book 'Tatted Gathering of Angels" it was meant to be included in the post I did about attaching tatting to paper clips, but it flew away! 

Wednesday 9 October 2013

Red Sunflower

I not only grew a yellow sunflower in my garden this year but also managed a red one!  Well that is what it said on the packet but it looks more like orange.  The Lizbeth thread falling leaves seemed to be a really good colour match.

The idea was to make another necklace but I forgot to make provision for the leaves on both sides of the flower and so it turned out to be a thank you card instead, which has already been given to someone.

I am definitely going to save the seeds from this sunflower and grow them next year, just love the vibrant colour. 

My blog posts have nearly reached 300 and so it is time to start thinking about another give-away, but should it be a shuttle ?  Perhaps people are getting fed up with shuttles, may be the give-away should be something else?   Decisions, decisions!  

Saturday 5 October 2013

Container and Book

I expect we tatting folk are all the same, forever on the look out for the best way to store tatting equipment.  My latest find was a make-up container.   I stood and pondered in the shop for quite a time wondering if the small square holes would  be big enough for shuttles, but they were, in fact it is even possible to fit two in the same slot!

                                          This is what the container looks like empty

There are always books for sale at church events and someone kindly took one out before it went on the stall and gave it to me, as she noticed a few pages of tatting mentioned in it. The book is called McCalls Needlwork and is packed full of such handicrafts.

There is no mention of who wrote these patterns which is such a shame, the book was published in the 1960s.   I am very tempted to have a go at one of them even though I hardly ever tat doilies, well once in a blue moon!

Sunday 29 September 2013

Michaelmas Daisies

As today is Michaelmas it is time to show you the Michaelmas daisies (Asters) that I have been working on.  

They are on their way to becoming a necklace which I was fully intending to wear today, but unfortunately due to so many other commitments, I never managed to get it finished.

Yesterday a Scarecrow Festival was held in the grave yard of one of the churches and so I'm just going to show you a couple of them.

There were over 20 other scarecrows all shapes and sizes scattered around and they made everyone smile.

Tuesday 24 September 2013

Textile Archway and not a lot of tatting!

This has got nothing to do with tatting but when I attended a meeting last week in King John's House, Romsey I noticed this magnificent archway.  The picture was taken in the evening so you can see my reflection, like a ghostly figure in the window!

The Giant Textile Archway was made by local groups and marks 50 years since the Beeching Report was published. This report reshaped British Railways to such an extent that many closed, especially rural branch lines.  With the increase of road traffic in the last few decades the wisdom of such closures has certainly been questioned.   The archway is made out of knitted, crocheted, felted or stitched bricks, but no tatting.  

I made these winsome earrings for myself and I used the same thread colour that I gave Fox.  

Struggling to find time to pick up my tatting shuttles at the moment as I am trying to organise a Scarecrow Festival for this Saturday.  Its is though quite exciting as so many people from the village are making them.  I hope to take plenty of photographs. 

Monday 16 September 2013


I decided to tat a sunflower, and then thought it would look good as a necklace and this is the result.

I used a button as the centre and added some square beads. It lies really well around the neck as the button gives it some weight, in fact I wore it today at work.  The yellow is not as bright as I would really like, but I don't have such a vibrant shade, just pale or variegated yellows. 

My first attempt looked like this and I am attaching it to this little bag as it is far from perfect.

At the moment there are a lot of sunflowers about and you can buy them as cut flowers,  a bunch of them can look stunning.

This year I grew a few in my garden and this one is over 7 ft tall, I had to bend it over to  take the photograph!   Can you see the insect on it?

I am now thinking of making a Michaelmas daisy using the same idea.