Saturday 31 August 2019

Lavender and Bees

My neighbour always grows the most beautiful lavender, which I was fortunate to pick and dry this year.  My aim is to make some lavender bags but also want to put a piece of tatted lavender on the front of them. These are my attempts and think I have decided which is the best one. 

The lavender attracts hundreds of bees, so my hands were in the middle of some very vocal buzzing insects, but they did not worry me and I was not frightened about getting stung.

Thursday 8 August 2019

A little bit of tatting

I have definately started tatting again but have been tidying up my supplies at the same time, which means making tiny butterflies to use up the odd bits of thread.  The other thing I have been doing is preparing for another craft morning, and have become rather hooked on making these pin cushions.  Although the aim is for those who attend the morning to make them themselves!  Not everyone uses a pin cushion but I find them an essential bit of equipment, not only for pins but also for needles.  

But as you can also see I could not resist putting a piece of tatting on each one!  It also gives me the opportunity to play with the large collection of buttons that I still have.

Monday 5 August 2019

Time to start tatting again

So have had a very long break from doing any tatting, the longest in 10 years, but feel I would like to get back to my shuttles now.  This is what I spent months doing and what any tatting was abandoned for. 

It is a throw for a sofa bed, only I can't show you it as the room needs decorating first!  The panels are different patterns with a crocheted border.  I choose the colours to correspond with the outer edge.  

It is going to seem very odd picking up shuttles after using knitting needles and a crochet hook!