I was going to show you how much I had progressed on the doily but I am having a slight break whilst awaiting the threads I won on e.bay. Unfortunately I was not in when the postmen delivered the parcel so now have to wait until it can be collected or re-delivered. In the meantime I thought I would try and make another bookmark which symbolised another national emblem of a country within Great Britain and here it is the daffodil.
Martha Ess designed this daffodil, it was one that she demonstrated at Tat Days 2012, which I happened to attend. I have already used it on Easter Cards but have now found another use for it, do you know the country it represents?
I am still working on this doily and making it up as I go along, have tatted a little bit more than this picture shows. but running out of thread that will match. The reason is that I have wasted quite a bit of thread when chopping the original up and have also made a few false starts. Not only that I did not realise how much thread the project would take.
However, luckily I purchased 9 balls of green thread on e.bay, some of the colours will match and should enable me to continue. Will show you another picture in a few days time.
My son spent the last weekend in Scotland and he has apparently bought back some traditional Scottish shortbread, but I will have to wait until I see him next to know what they taste like. The emblem of Scotland is the thistle and if you go here you can read all about why this is so. I had a request to make three thistle bookmarks and they are now finished and ready to post. The pattern is on the side of my blog, the only difference is that now I split the threads on the top to make them look more like the flower on the thistle.
Still struggling with the green doily which I hope to show you on the next post.
When I was visiting my son, daughter-in-law and only grandchild in Singapore a few months ago I noticed that they had a yellow crocheted tissue box holder in the shape of a lego brick. This of course is not surprising as my son is still very involved in lego and you can see his creations on this web site http://www.musicalbrick.com. We even gave him a Lego Volkswagen beetle to assemble for his birthday. I soon found the pattern for the lego brick tissue holder on the internet and set about making one yesterday, here is the result, fashioned by one of the wooden men that 'im in the garage makes.
In between my many tatting projects I am hope to make some more of these bricks in other lego colours.