Two blog posts in one day is very unusual but I wanted to achieve the total of 30 posts for the whole year, which is not many considering I used to achieve 60 a year. Still at least I am still blogging! No resolutions but aims for 2020 1. To celebrate 10 years since the creation of the pop-a-bobbin shuttle, with some new packaging. 2. Find time for more tatting. 3. Keep my tatting supplies tidier (this is what I say every year) but hoping to achieve just once! See you in 2020 - Happy New Year, keep tatting!
Over the last few days I have been tatting this little chap. It is the snowman from Inga Madsen’s book ‘12 Tatted Fairy-Tales'. I purchased this book from e.bay a few years ago and never managed to tat anything from it, until now. All the illustrations in the book are tatted in white, but I used black and brown thread to distinguish the different parts of the snowman.
I also spent ages choosing a background for him, this was the best, he needed to standout but at the same time I had to be careful that the background did not overpower him.
I have not been very active on this blog in 2019 and just wanted to get the count of posts to an acceptable amount, before the new year started. So please excuse this little fellow which someone from the computer group I help to run, gave me.
He is not exactly an ‘Elf on a shelf ‘ rather a ‘Pixie looking a bit tipsy’! Back to tatting tomorrow
I really did intend to blog all through December, especially as I have organised two Craft afternoons. These were for people to create their own Christmas decorations and I have some lovely photos, which I must show you. But somehow time past that quickly and life got so busy. These are what I tatted for my Christmas Cards this year, but now struggling to find time to write and send them.