I am sure that I have said this before, tatting is so difficult to display and therefore I am always trying to find new ways of attracting people to look at it when I have a stall. At the same time is is necessary to give customers an opportunity to handle the goods and look at the workmanship. This is the latest addition to my display stands.
I am not sure it is going to work but will give it a try next month.
I have not picked up a tatting shuttle for over a fortnight now as I've been crocheting these Lego tissue box holders for a Christmas Market. I do hope they sell as really value my time and hope it has not been wasted, especially giving up other crafts for them.
I am aiming to make at least a dozen, but finding that just 8 of them are taking up so much room. So used to tatting which can be put into the smallest space.
I am delighted to say that the doily is at last finished, all I need to do is tidy up the threads that have been left around after any such project! As I worked from round to round on this doily I did not write the pattern down, because really do not think that it will ever be made by me or anyone else! So this is definately a one off!
It is 20" wide and I am actually not keeping it, someone requested this doily back in July, the only stipulation was that it was green, large and had to be completed by Christmas. She has not seen it yet so hope she will be pleased.
So regret starting this doily but I am now getting on fine with it, just have a few false starts on every round as I attempt to get the pattern and tension right. I do have a variety of balls of green but found myself running out of the essential colours so went to e.bay to get these emergency supplies. Really needed to match the colours and not be too random with them.
I am particularly fond of the two balls of green on the right and look forward to using them in the future with another project. But here is the doily so far which is taking up so much of my time.
The next picture you will see is of it finished. Hurrah!