Tuesday, 23 May 2023

Just popped in to say 'Hello'

There are many reasons I have not kept up this blog, one being that I have to now recover the email that was originally used to set it up, so not exactly sure if any comments will be seen or recovered.  The other is that I keep up numerous facebook accounts (other groups) plus twitter and instagram so not much room in my life to blog!

However, a comment from Maureen on my sister's blog has prompted me to post the dress we have each bought and how we have embellished it with a bit of tatting. 

Friday, 26 February 2021

Bees and Bee Hive

I finished this picture today, my main inspiration was after tatting the 🐝 beehive in Pam Palmer’s book Tatting Treats, just felt I needed to do something with this latest creation. Well actually I doubled the stitching on the original pattern so that it would be more of a feature.  I then went over to my New Critters on the Block book by Martha Ess and made lots of Itty-Bitty Bumble Bees 🐝. The flower at the right is supposed to represent lavender but can actually be any flower, it’s just that bees 🐝 like lavender.

It was a bit of a challenge trying to get it in the right position in the frame, all the tatting is sewn on to a piece of material. Quite pleased with the result. 

Sunday, 14 February 2021


A few hearts for Valentine’s Day which also may remind you of emojis  


The pattern can be found here

Wednesday, 27 January 2021

More Lavender Wands

I started making these Lavender Wands in August and after a few weeks abandoned the project leaving the usual mess behind! Today I finished sewing on the tatted trims and they are now hanging in my wardrobe with a lovely smell of Summer coming from the clothes that are in there. 

I am now sorting and tidying all the other accessories that are connected with tatting,  which have sadly got into a mess, this does not include thread. Really enjoying the challenge as well as down sizing. After which hopefully I will be a little more tidier! 

Thursday, 21 January 2021

21 - 21 - 21

 Today is the 21st day of the 21st year of the 21st century! 

It also marks the day that I finished my giveaway tatting for Christmas 2021! 

Tuesday, 29 December 2020

Pearl bead snowflakes

 This will definitely be my last post of 2020 a year that I have not been blogging that much. This is mainly because I did not have a lot to show, tatting seemed to be low on my priority list most of the time.

I have tatted these snowflakes they are not a unique design in anyway but I loved the way they turned out with the Pearl beads. The white one was the first, the red one the second and when I got to the green one the bead placements and thread count was much better. 

I am going to tat a few more of them and then it is back to the special pattern that I am trying to design. I gave up some months ago when things were going horribly wrong with it. 

Sunday, 27 December 2020

Santa’s Sleigh

I know this is a little late but here is Santa’s empty sleigh after all the presents have been delivered and parked up for next year! The thing is I have only just finished tatting it, so obviously this version is also going to be packed away until next Year.

The pattern is from Pam Palmer’s book Tatting treats and I decided that instead of using white cotton which is the version illustrated in her book I would use Christmas colours and beads. It isn’t pressed yet and resting on a cushion so may look a bit bumpy but it really is a well thought out pattern and will not need much more attention.  

I am now going to start thinking about some Christmas tatting ideas of my own as I find that I can cope with the idea of having nearly twelve months to actually bring them to fruition.