I've come back down to earth, from gazing up into the sky, to show you some photographs taken in my home. A week ago Krystle challenged us to take photographs of our tatting spaces etc., well I’ve been a bit slow on this, but at last I’ve managed to get the camera out and shoot a few pictures.
Last weekend I visited my sister and I can report that she is now packed for her Palmetto teaching, I did peek into one of her bags as we sat for half an hour out in the garden, but that’s all I'm going to report! Those of you who are attending these "tat days" will have to wait and see what other surprises she has, not up her sleeve, but on her shuttles!
So here is where my tatting is stored and where I mainly work. It’s a room that is also a study, a tatting room, sewing room and computer room and so it also contains files and books for my church work, scouting, family history etc and because of this it tends to get into a mess very quickly as I leap from one thing to another, often without putting everything away! You will also notice a sewing chest, which was especially made when we lived in Hong Kong, this contains sewing cottons, buttons, beads and countless other bits and bobs associated with handicrafts. It doesn’t contain my tatting threads these are stored in plastic boxes, as you can see by the chest, and are supposed to be neatly stored in a cupboard but they keep escaping! Whenever I start a new tatting project I'm amazed how a small piece of work can generate such chaos as I search for a pattern, suitable thread, beads etc. at this stage everything has been removed from cupboards, drawers and shelves.
It's time to tidy up this particular tat corner, so wish me luck as I find stray beads, tackled thread and oh ouch a needle in a place it shouldn't be!
Happy Tatting everyone!